Safety is a top priority for SunRail. We want everyone to be smart and safe – whether you live and work near railroad tracks, or drive over them during your daily travels.
SunRail utilizes existing tracks, and during high commute periods, there are more trains on those tracks, traveling with greater frequency. The SunRail trains, however, are quieter than typical freight and Amtrak trains. By practicing reasonable driving and pedestrian habits, you can ensure your own safety – and that of others – around the rail.
When warning signals start to flash at road crossings and the gates come down, please make sure that your vehicle is clear of the intersection and behind the white line. At some crossings located near SunRail stations, the gates come up while the train is in the station to allow for cars to pass. Once the train starts moving, the gates come back down. The train will not proceed through the intersection until the gates are fully deployed and the intersection is clear of traffic.
Some stations also feature pedestrian gates which come down to stop pedestrian traffic as the train approaches or is in the station. Remember, there could be a second train approaching from the other direction at any time.
Trains can’t stop quickly but you can. By staying alert and taking simple precautions around the rail, you can stay safe. It’s important to remember that train tracks are not a playground, photo studio, walking path or recreation area.
Train tracks are private property. Crossing at unmarked areas, or walking on the tracks, is extremely dangerous and a criminal offense.
SunRail Safety
Supported By Operation Lifesaver.